Welcome To Asian Forestry Company (Sabah)

Sustainably Growing tomorrows wood supply

Asian Forestry Company (Sabah) specializes in growing and utilising planted forests.

Welcome To Asian Forestry Company (Sabah)

Sustainably Growing tomorrows wood supply

Asian Forestry Company (Sabah) specializes in growing and utilising planted forests.

Welcome To Asian Forestry Company (Sabah)

Sustainably growing tomorrows wood supply

Asian Forestry Company (Sabah) specializes in growing and utilising planted forests.

About Us

Asian Forestry Company (Sabah) is a young company, with a clear vision, built by an experienced team.

Asian Forestry Company (Sabah) is public-private partnership between Merica Forests Pte Ltd and the State Government of Sabah, with the objective of developing a sustainable forestry business based on sound ecological, social and economic principles.

Asian Forestry Company (Sabah) is developing an area of degraded and threatened forests into a managed mosaic of protected natural forests and productive planted forests. The planted forest alone will produce high quality timber for Sabah's downstream industries.

Integrity of ecologically sensitive and high conservation value areas is ensured through detailed pre-planning based on LiDAR and ground surveys, combined with rigorous operations management and independent audits.

Complimenting the planted forest establishment are Community Development and Conservation programmes which seek to ensure we operate as good neighbours and as reliable custodians of Sabah's natural heritage.

Our operations are wholly managed by Forest Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd, professional forest management experts with extensive experience operating in East Malaysia. The company employs 130 local and 4 expatriate staff at their Kota Marudu and Kota Kinabalu offices.

As a standards driven company, Forest Solutions staff are rigorously trained in their standard operating procedures and adhere strictly to the mission, policies and values of Asian Forestry Company (Sabah).

"To be recognized globally as a leading forestry company in terms of quality, sustainability and productivity."

"To create world-class sustainable, planted forest projects incorporating best practices of conservation, research and community development through operational excellence and innovation."

IntegrityWe do what we say and work with the highest levels of integrity
SustainabilityOur projects will conserve the environment and benefit future generations
RespectWe respect each other, the communities and partners we work with
QualityWe strive to do the best in everything we do
TeamWe value our employees and achieve greatness through teamwork
EfficiencyWe minimize our costs and maximize our potential for the benefit of our stakeholders

Group Overview

Merica Pty Ltd develops projects specifically to supply sustainably grown timber while protecting ecologically and socially important landscape values.

Key Facts


Trees Planted


Hectares Protected


Hectares Planted


Local Staff Employed

Our Policies



Protection, awareness and training alongside a comprehensive environmental management system allows for specific objectives to be reached which drive effective utilization of resources via clean energy, recycling, and pollution prevention.

Occupational Safety and Health

The absolute safety of all the employees and contractors are ensured by complying with all the applicable regulations in which safeguards are put in place to prevent accidents and injuries.

Human Rights

Labour and human rights are upheld in a manner which complies with national and international standards. All employees and contractors are informed of their rights to fair labour practice.

Rights of Indigenous People

The Company is committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations and nationally – ratified international treaties, convention and agreements pertaining to the rights of the indigenous community.

Sexual Harassment

An environment in which employees can work free from sexual coercion and intimidation is maintained. A zero-tolerance policy for any form of sexual harassment will be practiced and necessary disciplinary actions will be taken on employees who do not comply.


Directors, officers and employees are required to observe high standards of business practices and ethics. Employees are able to raise concerns internally and in good faith. An open door policy is practiced, and all complaints about unethical or illegal conduct are investigated and resolved.


The prevention, deterrence and detection of fraud, bribery and any other practice is a commitment of the company. It is essential to the company that business is carried out with integrity, transparency and openness.

Dispute Resolution

The company recognises the rights and interests of local stakeholders particularly those communities living within and adjacent to the boundaries. In the event of a dispute or grievance, engagement is conducted and recorded in a transparent, well-organised manner and where necessary, with involvement of State Government departments.

Management and Administration

The forestry systems are continuously improved in a transparent manner, in line with national and international standards by ensuring that all sectors function in accordance with the respective policies.


Adopt an environmentally-friendly approach to forest plantation management on the use of chemical pesticides. All damage to the environment will be mitigated and/or repaired, and where possible non-chemical methods will be used.


Minimal quantities of fertilizers will be used where required,and appropriate methods will be sought to reduce the quantity of fertilizers necessary to sustain profitable plantations.